Loading Events WorkSource Seattle-King County WorkSource North Seattle Employer of the Day- Plymouth Housing – WorkSource Seattle-King County
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WorkSource North Seattle Employer of the Day- Plymouth Housing

November 06
Wednesday | 11:00am - 2:00pm

CalendarPlusAdd to Calendar November 06 11:00am 11/06/2024 2:00pm America/Los_Angeles WorkSource North Seattle Employer of the Day- Plymouth Housing Recruiters will be onsite to Interview, answer questions and provide tips to help you apply. REGISTER HERE:  https://forms.office.com/g/EpcaG95yXj

WorkSource North Seattle
Opportunity Center
9600 College Way N
Seattle, WA 98103

Workshop Language: English


Recruiters will be onsite to Interview, answer questions and provide tips to help you apply.

REGISTER HERE:  https://forms.office.com/g/EpcaG95yXj

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